This is a collection of U.S. government releases and other key documents on Vice President Biden’s trip to Japan, China, and South Korea this week. I will try to update it as more documents emerge. These are in close to chronological order, though I don’t guarantee I got all the timezone conversions right. Please e-mail or comment if I’m missing anything big.
- 11-23 Secretary of State Kerry’s statement on the Chinese ADIZ announcement.
- 11-25 U.S. Envoy for North Korea Glyn Davies speaks to press at Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- 11-27 Background Briefing on Biden’s Upcoming Trip to Asia
- 12-02 Monday afternoon D.C. White House briefing touches on Biden visit.
- 12-02 Biden written interview with Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun
- 12-03 Tuesday afternoon Tokyo time. Senior Officials in Tokyo on Vice President Biden’s Trip to Asia
- 12-03 Biden at Round Table Discussion on Women in Japanese Economy
- 12-03 Fact Sheet on U.S.–Japan Global Cooperation to Meet Modern Challenges
- 12-03 Remarks by Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Abe in Tokyo
- 12-03 White House press briefing touches on ADIZ and Biden trip.
- 12-03 State Department press briefing in D.C. touches on ADIZ.
- 12-04 Biden and Xi Jinping remarks before meeting at the Great Hall of the People
- 12-04 Wednesday night Beijing briefing by officials traveling with Biden (U.S. Officials on Vice President Biden’s Meetings in Beijing)
- 12-04 State Department briefing in D.C. includes comments on ADIZ
- 12-04 Meanwhile in DC, National Security Advisor Susan Rice mentions China in a speech on human rights.
- 12-05 Biden speech at AmCham Beijing
- 12-05 White House fact sheet on U.S.–China economic relations
- 12-05 State Department briefing addresses Biden’s meeting with U.S. journalists
- 12-05 Senior administration officials briefing on U.S.–China economic ties
- 12-06 Biden with South Korean Prime Minister Cheng Hongwon
- 12-06 Biden with South Korean President Park Geun-Hye
- 12-06 Biden speech on U.S.–Korea relations and the Asia Pacific at Yonsei University
- 12-07 Senior administration officials briefing in Seoul
- 12-07 Biden at the War Memorial of Korea
- 12-07 State Department statement on the release of a U.S. citizen from North Korea
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