About Transpacifica


Founded by Graham Webster, Transpacifca went online in August 2006 as a blog and online resource on global affairs in Asia and the Americas. In its first year, this site was known as Transpacific Triangle, and it explored the trilateral relationship between China, Japan, and the United States. In September 2007, the site became Transpacifica and moved to transpacifica.net. Transpacifica was home to U.S.–China Week, the newsletter written by Graham Webster from 2015-2017. In 2018, U.S.–China Week became the Transpacifica newsletter and Transpacifica, LLC was formed as a research and consulting business. It is now home to the Here It Comes newsletter.


Authors hold the copyright for their original contributions. Unless otherwise noted, all materials published on Transpacifica are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license and may be republished with attribution to the author and Transpacifica on any noncommercial platform that also publishes under the same license. Other entities wishing to republish Transpacifica materials should contact the editors for permission.


Unless otherwise noted, the views expressed in any article, comment, or other piece of content on Transpacifica are those of its author and not necessarily the official position of Transpacifica or any of the author’s employers. Wait long enough, and they may not even be the official position of the author.