"Article 9 is the 'God of Peace' that Saves Humanity"

That’s the title of a new entry into the Article 9 discussion from Japanese blogger Amaki Naoto.

He gives a harsh assessment of U.S. failures in the Middle East, saying that after the Cold War “the Middle East became the epicenter of world conflict.” He also blames problems in the Middle East on the influence of Jews in the United States. Here he quotes a discredited supposed statement by Benjamin Franklin calling for the expulsion of Jews from the United States. But he makes it worse than even the falsely rumored English statement by using a harsher word than “expulsion.”

“The United States must destroy (滅ぼされる) the Jews,” he claims Franklin said. And he agrees. After the somewhat shocking anti-semitism comes another kind of religious fervor. He exalts a personified (or really deified) Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution as a humanity-saving god of peace.

Article 9 has remained silent all these years, he writes, but pretty soon its silence will be broken. He writes:*


The time when it gets angry is coming. The ‘god of peace’ called Article 9 will begin to reveal its will. At that time, everyone will kneel before it. Once that god’s voice is heard, no one will be able to go against it. Yes, indeed. Get angry! Article 9! I want you to wake these foolish people. I want you to give us your voice!

As the only people to have been hit by a nuclear bomb, he writes, the Japanese people’s awakening will move the god of peace and rescue the world.

*Comments or corrections welcome on all translations.





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