Month: April 2009

  • links for 2009-04-15

    RConversation: My chat with Rebecca MacKinnon, formerly of CNN Beijing, visits and answers netizen posts. (tags: china RebeccaMacKinnon CNN

  • Research ethics, journalism, and paid participation

    I am new to academia’s conventions on research involving human subjects—so new, in fact, that I’m just now completing my basic certification. The standards are not without resonance for me, however, given the emphasis placed by journalism educators on the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics. Principles of “beneficience” seem to run parallel to…

  • How do you say mobile phone in Chinese?

    Why is a mobile phone in China known as a shouji (手机, roughly, “handset”)? At least in the 1990s, some people knew the rare machine as a dageda (大哥大). I’ve been reading Jack Linchuan Qiu’s new book, Working-Class Network Society: Communication Technology and the Information Have-Less in Urban China (MIT Press, 2009), and he offers…