Tag: Nuclear Weapons

  • Koike Yuriko: Japan's Condi?

    Newsweek has some questions for Japan’s first national security advisor, Koike Yuriko [ja]. Unfortunately they’re none too illuminating. The point of the piece seems to be, “Wow, a female national security advisor? Say, that’s just like Condi!” I should be more forgiving. After all, the ground rules for the interview could have precluded serious questions.…

  • A Progressive Response to North Korea

    This piece originally appeared on CampusProgress.org. It outlines the argument set forth by Joe Cirincione, the head of national security and international policy at my day job—the Center for American Progress. Ask the Expert: North Korea’s Nuclear Test A progressive response to North Korea’s actions. By Graham Webster Thursday October 12, 2006 North Korea’s report…

  • Is the Nuclear Unity Hiding Ongoing Friction?

    Dozens of reporters are working the North Korean nuclear test story. Dozens more, some on double duty, are covering Abe Shinzo’s tour through China and South Korea. I won’t try to duplicate or aggregate their work, but some of the key links appear at right in my Google Reader feed. But there’s something going on…

  • This Week: China-Japan Ties Easing, Nakasone Broaches Nuclear Japan

    It’s been a news-filled week for Japan-China relations and Japan in general, leading up to the LDP election later this month. Several signs that tensions between China and Japan may ease after Koizumi’s departure emerged this week. Using the a signed commentary in the People’s Daily overseas edition, the Chinese government demanded Abe Shinzo take…