Tag: Nationalism

  • Yasukuni in Context: Nationalism and History in Japan

    Documents revealed in March that the Japanese government’s long-held position that it had nothing to do with the enshrinement of war criminals at Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo wasn’t exactly, well, accurate. This week at Japan Focus, Akiko Takenaka has written a great update on these revelations. It’s published with an Asahi Shimbun editorial calling for…

  • "Article 9 is the 'God of Peace' that Saves Humanity"

    That’s the title of a new entry into the Article 9 discussion from Japanese blogger Amaki Naoto. He gives a harsh assessment of U.S. failures in the Middle East, saying that after the Cold War “the Middle East became the epicenter of world conflict.” He also blames problems in the Middle East on the influence…

  • Jay Leno the Nationalist

    Marxy has an old ad for Doritos that strikes U.S. nationalist notes, apparently from when the threat of Japanese high tech industries was a much-touted “problem” in the United States. The last line? “You won’t find a chip like this comin’ out of Japan!”

  • Who's the Bigger Nationalist: Abe or Koizumi?

    Ampontan criticizes English-language media for their “[m]indlessly parroted assumptions based on conventional wisdom” that lead to their labeling Japanese Prime Minister Abe Shinzo as a “nationalist.” The entry notes Abe’s hands-off approach thus far on the disputed island situations with Korea and Russia as evidence that he is no “hawkish nationalist.” Observing Japan, on the…