Tag: Site News

  • A new blogroll: With focus—without the fat

    It’s been years since I completely reviewed the blogroll on Transpacifica. Today, I decided to cut it in size and cut out the fat. Before, I had almost fifty links, all of which were at one time important. But many of these sites don’t make the cut anymore, and I thought it would be more…

  • Disqus commenting restored

    For the very few of you who were frustrated by Transpacifica’s recent Disqus outage, apologies. As far as I can tell, functionality is now restored. –Graham

  • More on China's environment tax: a response and a repost

    A few notes of follow-up on my first experiment in translation: the People’s Daily Online interview looking at the prospects for an environmental tax being included in the next Chinese 5-year plan. My friend and former classmate Ella Chou offered much more context on this discussion than I could have given off the top of…

  • A Trans-American move for Transpacifica

    Most readers who would find this news important already have heard, but for the under-informed and those who don’t care, I offer an update on moves in my life. In May, I finished my master’s degree in Regional Studies–East Asia at Harvard. This month, after a long summer of travel, freelancing, research, and high-intensity relaxation,…

  • I'm a Twit. Follow me on Twitter.

    After meeting with a fellow blogger in Beijing I decided it might be time to give Twitter a shot. So far, I haven’t been completely consumed and I like it. Follow me there. I’m gwbstr. follow gwbstr at http://twitter.com